Lip fillers have become a highly sought-after option for women seeking fuller, more youthful-looking lips.In fact, lip injections are one of our most popular treatments here at the Herschthal Practice. Understanding the longevity of these fillers is always on the minds of our patients who are new to the procedure, and we’re happy to address how long lip fillers last in the average person. In this blog, we will delve into the duration of lip injections, the procedure itself, potential risks, how they feel, and tips on achieving a natural look.

The Lip Injection Procedure

woman receiving lip fillers - how long do lip fillers last concept

Lip injections involve the use of dermal fillers to add volume and shape to the lips, which affects the overall appearance of your mouth. The result is often a more youthful look, since lip volume can naturally dissipate with age. The procedure, also known as lip augmentation, is relatively quick and easy, which is why it can be done safely in your dermatologist’s office. 

A local anesthetic may be applied to minimize discomfort. The choice of fillers used, such as hyaluronic acid-based products like Juvederm or Restylane, will impact the final results. Usually, a hyaluronic acid-based product is preferred because these are considered safest. They also tend to create a more natural look compared to collagen and other lip injection products. 

We will go over these options with you so you can make an informed choice before your treatment, of course. Our office offers Restylane® Silk, Juvéderm®, and Juvéderm® Volbella as our go-to hyaluronic acid lip fillers.

How Long do Lip Fillers Last on Average?

One of the most common questions we get is, “How long do lip fillers last?” The answer to this question varies depending on several factors, including the type of filler used, individual metabolism, and the patient’s lifestyle. Generally, lip fillers can last anywhere from six months to a year or more. Regular maintenance appointments may be required to maintain the desired look.

Potential Risks and Side Effects

While lip injections are generally safe, they do come with potential risks and side effects. These can include swelling, bruising, and temporary discomfort. It’s essential to choose a qualified practitioner who can minimize these risks and provide guidance throughout the process. 

How Do Lip Injections Feel? 

During the procedure, you may experience some discomfort or a pinching sensation as the lip filler is injected (don’t worry, the needle is tiny!)  Afterward, swelling and tenderness are common, but they usually subside within a few days. Many patients find the mild discomfort well worth the results, which become more noticeable as any initial swelling goes down.

Achieving Natural-Looking Results

Natural-looking results are often the goal, and understandably so. No one wants to walk around with artificial looking lips!  To achieve this, it’s crucial to maintain proportion and symmetry. Overfilling can lead to an unnatural appearance, so working with an experienced practitioner is key. Gradual adjustments over multiple sessions can also help you achieve the desired look while keeping it subtle and elegant.

At The Herschthal Practice, we specialize in creating natural-looking enhancements that complement your unique beauty. So if you’re ready to discover how fuller lips can be yours, book your appointment with us today!