Nonsurgical cosmetic procedures provide patients with a lot of benefits, with the ultimate goal being skin rejuvenation and radiating a youthful appearance. Cosmetic enhancements are plentiful, giving patients a lot of variety when it comes to preference, desired results, and treatment options. One treatment that achieves these desired results is Juvederm. Juvederm is composed of hyaluronic acid, which is injected into areas of the face and nasolabial folds to smooth out wrinkles and add volume. Here at The Herschthal Practice, we utilize the Juvederm treatment in Palm Beach Island to cater to our clients who are looking for targeted solutions. Let’s take a look at the efficacy of the treatment and its role in dermal fillers.


What is Juvederm And How Does It Work?

Before discussing the benefits of Juvederm, it’s important to understand what the treatment is and how it functions. The FDA-approved filler is a smooth gel and made up of hyaluronic acid, which naturally occurs in our bodies. The treatment is available as Juvederm Ultra and Juvederm Ultra Plus, each kind has a specific purpose for treating patients. The Ultra treatment is used to get rid of lighter wrinkles on the face, capable of targeting more delicate areas like the outer eyes. Juvederm Ultra Plus is designed to treat more severe wrinkles. It’s a thicker solution compared to Juvederm Ultra, and it can be used for adding volume to your lips and cheeks as well. 


In terms of how the products are made, we know that the fillers are hyaluronic-acid-based. Its primary purpose is to function as an inert filler to smooth out your fine lines and wrinkles. Compared to botulinum toxin injections, hyaluronic acid does not have a neuromodulating effect. As a result, muscle relaxation won’t be induced. The filler will rest within the valleys that form wrinkles, ensuring that thin, aging skin won’t fall deeply into crevices. The ultimate goal of these treatments is to bring a youthful and rejuvenated appearance to the face. 


Smooth And Natural

One of the reasons that Juvederm treatment in Palm Beach Island is so popular is due to the fact that it yields natural results. Thanks to the gel texture, the treatment sessions are designed to enhance your natural beauty, all without creating an artificial look. The dermal filler will create authentic contours and add definition to your face, which effectively rids the face of fine lines and creases. The beauty of Juvederm is that no one will be able to determine if you’ve had injections or not, instead, people will notice the results that are making your face look more radiant and beautiful.


The Treatment Lasts Longer

Not all dermal fillers are created equally. Juvederm is one of the few treatments that has long-lasting effects. At this point in time, it’s the only filler that is FDA-approved for results that last up to a year. The seamless manufacturing process allows the product to utilize higher concentrations of hyaluronic acid, which is the driving force behind these long-lasting results. Other products will give patients results that only last 4-6 months. Juvederm will double that time and save you money on other clinical visits.


It’s Non-Allergenic

Did you know that hyaluronic acid is a non-animal-based product? Since the substance is naturally produced in our bodies, it will eliminate allergic reactions and other complications. Other fillers that are derived from animal sources will incur a risk for patients who have animal-related allergies. The advances for Juvederm allow for the treatments to be easily accessible for anyone. Using Juvederm will also eliminate the need to use an allergy scratch test before you receive an injection. 


Helping Your Skin

Hyaluronic acid works to moisturize the skin. As we get older, the compound will begin to deplete and this can add a dehydrated, dry look to your skin. With Juvederm, the injection is inserted into the area on the skin where this is occurring. The acid will sit beneath your skin and provide you with the look you’re coveting, and it will replenish the amount of hyaluronic acid in the body. Juvederm makes the skin healthier just by its pure presence. Research has indicated that repeated juvederm treatments will improve the function and form of your skin, meaning the benefits will last longer than the actual treatment.


Planning Your Juvederm Treatment In Palm Beach

If you’re looking for comprehensive cosmetic solutions, our team of professionals at The Herschthal Practice is ready to help you achieve the results you’re seeking. For more information on our process, you can contact us to learn more!