What is Cellulite?

Cellulite is made up of fat, just like any other fatty tissue in our bodies. The unwanted dimpled appearance that is characteristic of cellulite is caused not by the fat itself, but by tissue around it called fascia.

Fascia connects to your skin and holds it in place. As skin is tightened around the naturally uneven pockets of fat, we get the dimpled surface we associate with cellulite. This is why simply dieting or losing fat alone often fails to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

The Herschthal Practice offers specialized cellulite treatment that delivers real results. 

What Can I Do About Cellulite?

Cellulite is a fact of life for all of us. While cellulite is much more common in women, men do experience it as well. Cellulite isn’t a sign of poor health and it isn’t dangerous in and of itself — however, no one cares for the uneven, dimpled texture it creates.

Over the years there have been dozens of alleged miracle devices and creams for sale claiming to reduce or eliminate cellulite, but they rarely made much of a difference. Improving your health through diet and exercise is always a good idea — it can also smooth cellulite a bit, but the results are never assured. 

The good news is that effective cellulite treatment does exist and we offer it at our Boca Raton aesthetic dermatology practice. 

What you can do about cellulite:

  • Weight loss: Losing weight is great for your health and may improve the appearance of cellulite somewhat.
  • Exercise: Exercise, especially weight training, combined with cardio can make cellulite a bit less prominent. 
  • Quit Smoking: Smoking weakens the skin and contributes to the breakdown of collagen due to decreased.
  • Massages and Topical Treatments: Regular deep tissue massages combined with topical treatments like retinol creams can reduce the appearance of cellulite somewhat over many months. 
  • Cellulite Treatment with Sculptra®: Considered the gold standard among cellulite treatments, Sculptra utilizes your body’s natural healing response to substantially smooth the dimpled areas where cellulite is found. 

How Does Cellulite Treatment Work at The Herschthal Practice?

Here we use a collagen-boosting product called Sculptra® to treat cellulite. Sculptra is a dermal filler that stimulates the body’s natural collagen production. It’s also often used to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face. 

Collagen is a fibrous protein that plays a critical role in providing structure, support, and strength to various bodily tissues, including skin, muscles, bones, and connective tissues. It gives skin its strength and elasticity and makes bones, joints, and ligaments stronger. 

How We Use Sculptra® to Treat Cellulite 

Sculptra® contains poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), a biocompatible, biodegradable synthetic substance that has been used in aesthetic dermatology and other areas of medicine for many years. When injected into the affected areas, Sculptra acts as a collagen stimulator.

Put simply, Sculptra works by first filling the dimpled areas where it is injected, creating a smoother appearance where cellulite is treated. Over the months following your treatment, Sculptra continues to work by stimulating your body’s healing response, resulting in the production of collagen.

This new collagen is then used to restore the connective tissue (the fascia we mentioned earlier), further reducing the appearance of cellulite. This form of cellulite treatment is very popular because it delivers both quick preliminary results and a gradual, greater smoothing of cellulite over time.  

What Kind of Results Can I Expect From Cellulite Treatment?

Cellulite treatment Sculptra® is arguably the high water mark among cellulite interventions. It produces some results immediately after treatment by filling the dimpled areas. You can expect to see some noticeable smoothing right away. 

Sculptra injections at The Herschthal Practice are done with the aid of a topical anesthetic and the entire procedure takes 30 minutes or less. You can return to work, school, or leisure activities right away. There is NO downtime required with Sculptra cellulite treatment.

Your Sculptra cellulite treatment will continue to work and gradually smooth the dimpled areas that have been treated. The appearance of cellulite will improve week after week with peak results occurring about 3 months after your treatment. 

Benefits of Cellulite treatment with Sculptra®:

  • Some smoothing results almost immediately after treatment.
  • Utilizes your body’s natural healing responses to produce collagen.
  • Zero downtime, you can return to work, life, and leisure straight away. 
  • Cellulite smoothing continues over time and appearance improves over months.

Cellulite Treatment at The Herschthal Practice

You deserve to look and feel your very best. At The Herschthal Practice, we are devoted to helping you achieve precisely that. We invite you to contact us with any questions about cellulite treatment today. 

If you would like a consultation or ask about our services, please call us at (561) 391-9200 or simply follow this link to book your consultation.