What are Spider Veins?

Spider veins, also known as telangiectasias or “thread veins”, are small, damaged veins usually found on the legs or face. They appear as thin, red, purple, or blue lines that may look like a spider web or branches of a tree, hence the name “spider veins.” 

Women are more likely to have spider veins than men and are more likely to seek spider vein treatment. Although spider veins are rarely a serious health concern, most people don’t care for their appearance. 

Fortunately, spider vein treatment requires only a simple outpatient procedure with zero downtime. The advent of quick, high-tech laser treatment for spider veins has made dealing with them easier than ever before.

Spider veins are:

  • Small, damaged veins in the legs or face that are visible.
  • Not usually a serious health concern.
  • Easily treated with laser vein treatment. 

Options for Spider Vein Treatment

Treatment for spider veins has seen considerable advances in the past few decades. Once upon a time, the only option to treat spider veins was to wear compression stockings for sclerotherapy, which involves injecting a solution into each vein that causes it to collapse. 

While both of these methods, and others are still in use, medical technology has brought us an even better, non-invasive solution for spider veins in the form of laser vein treatment with the Motus AZ Laser vein treatment is far more comfortable than other methods like sclerotherapy. 

What are my options for treating spider veins?

  • Wearing compression stockings.
  • Injecting a solution into each vein to collapse it (sclerotherapy).
  • Radiofrequency ablation
  • Laser vein treatment 

How Does Laser Spider Vein Treatment Work?

At The Herschthal Practice, we treat spider veins with the Motus AZ laser, a non-invasive instrument that precisely targets the veins from the skin’s surface. We chose the  Motus AZ laser because it allows us to adjust the wavelength of laser energy to tune it to the patient’s skin type

During this brief treatment, the  Motus AZ laser device is placed over the area being treated. With the instrument adjusted for the patient’s skin type, its green laser energy directly targets spider veins without damaging adjacent tissue. 

The Motus AZ laser also features a proprietary cooling technology for patient comfort which eliminates the need for any anesthetic to numb the skin beforehand.

FAQ About Laser Vein Treatment

Does the heat of the laser make laser vein treatment uncomfortable?

Not at The Herschthal Practice, because we use the  Motus AZ, which has a unique cooling technology component specifically for the comfort of our clients. Laser vein treatment with less sophisticated devices often requires the use of a local anesthetic due to the heat reaching the skin. 

Is there a recovery or downtime following laser spider vein treatment?

No. One of the most attractive features of using a laser to treat spider veins is that the procedure can be performed in our offices in about 20-30 minutes. After that, clients are free to go about their day comfortably. 

How long does it take for spider veins to fade or disappear?

The timeframe for the disappearance of spider veins after laser vein treatment can vary depending on several factors, including the size of the veins treated and the individual’s healing process. Typically, it takes a few weeks to a month or so for spider veins to fade away after laser treatment. The Motus AZ laser device we use offers precision adjustments for skin type and other factors that allow it to deliver quicker and better results than most. 

Will my spider veins return?

Not to worry, spider veins that are treated using our  Motus AZ laser will NOT return. They are gone for good. However, the body is always changing, so it is always possible that new spider veins will appear later in the future. 

What is the Difference Between Spider Veins and Varicose Veins?

Unlike varicose veins, which are larger, raised, and can cause discomfort, spider veins are typically a cosmetic concern and usually do not lead to health problems. Varicose veins are sometimes associated with medical complications, such as blot clots, superficial thrombophlebitis, or Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI), among others. 

Spider veins are considerably less serious of a medial concern than varicose veins and are easier to treat with good results and diminished appearance. 

Spider Vein Treatment at The Herschthal Practice

At The Herschthal Practice, our team of professionals is dedicated to your wellness. Our mission is to help you look and feel your very best. We pride ourselves on treating every client as we would a family member.  

We invite you to contact us with any questions about spider vein treatment today. 

If you would like a consultation or ask about our services, please call us at (561) 391-9200 or simply follow this link to book your consultation.