Unwanted hair can be bothersome for those of us who are already self-conscious about our physical appearance. While there are ways to temporarily control the presence of unwanted hair, this is putting a band-aid on a recurring issue. Laser hair removal palm beach island is a sufficient option for those who want to part ways with this issue, permanently. Our team of professionals at The Herschthal Practice wants you to value your physical appearance which soars when you seek out these kinds of treatments. Let’s discuss the benefits of laser hair removal and how it serves many patients on a daily basis.


Understanding How Laser Hair Removal Functions

When laser light is absorbed, it will heat up substances that absorb it. As it relates to hair removal, heating hair follicles can cause damage, which blocks the follicles from growing another hair. By tuning a laser so that it can target the melanin, has been proven to be effective to heat the follicles, mitigating hair regrowth. Controlled applications of laser light will target areas on the body with unwanted hair, leaving the surrounding areas untethered. 


The Purpose Of Treatment

The main reason people seek out this treatment is to remove unwanted hair on their bodies. Common areas of treatment can include the face, legs, the bikini line, armpits, etc. With that in mind, it’s certainly feasible to treat other areas of the body, with the exception of the eyelid and surrounding areas. Your hair color and skin type will also heavily influence the success of the laser hair removal process. The laser should only damage the hair follicle while avoiding damage to the skin. The contrast between the hair and skin color will yield the best outcomes. The risk of damage is curbed, due to the advancements in laser technology.


Laser Hair Removal Palm Beach Island: Is It Permanent?

It’s important to note that not all of your follicles will respond to a single session. In order to efficiently remove hair from the desired location, this can be achieved in 6 visits, all of them being a month apart from each other. Hair growth happens in cycles and treatments will have an impact during the growth phase of the follicle. Since these cycles aren’t in sync, not all of the follicles will be vulnerable during your treatment sessions. 


How To Prepare For Treatment

Laser hair removal is a departure from other hair removal methods. When it comes to treatments like waxing, growing out the hair will benefit the process for the long term. Conversely, cleaning and shaving the affected areas for laser treatment will provide the best results for receiving laser procedures. As far as these treatments are concerned, you’ll need to avoid waxing, electrolysis, and plucking, six weeks before your session. 


With other hair removal treatments, the hair roots are temporarily eradicated. Without a hair root, no light will absorb to create the heat that is needed for treating your follicles. Do not tan for six weeks before the session, either, failure to comply can lead to issues like hyperpigmentation (darkened spots and patches on the skin).


Starting Treatment With The Professionals

If you are looking to get laser hair removal palm beach island, our team at The Herschthal Practice is ready to assist. Contact us today to learn more about our process.