We all know the old adage, ‘You are what you eat’. Most of us also know there is a great deal of truth to the saying. We’ll level with you: Yes, a certain amount of skin health and appearance does come down to genetics. There’s nothing you can do about genes of course. However, you have a lot more control over your skin health than you probably imagine and it starts with what you eat. Here are some basic nutrition tips for healthy skin. 

Woman with clean and youthful skin from following Nutrition Tips for Healthy Skin

Drink Enough Water for Healthy Skin 

One of the most obvious nutrition tips for healthy skin is often overlooked by many people. When we say water, WE MEAN WATER, H2O! Not Diet Coke or Starbucks Coffee! In fact, caffeine is a diuretic that can even dehydrate your skin if you consume too much of it. The most recent science says that adult men and women should drink at least 2-3 liters of water a day. 

If you’re in a hot climate (like Florida) and/or you’re very active, you should be drinking 3 liters or more. Most of the human body is made up of water. When you don’t drink enough of it, your body struggles to pass toxins through in a timely manner and that can directly affect the health and appearance of your skin. 

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Another one of our nutrition tips for healthy skin is “Your plate should look like a rainbow.” Colorful fruits and vegetables are chock full of Vitamin A and carotenoids. Those are important elements your body uses to grow new skin. Our skin is constantly growing and replacing itself. That means if you begin healthier, skin-friendly dietary habits, you will begin to see gradual results over the weeks and months. 

If you have skin problems, eating fresh fruits and vegetables is one way to give your body some help in balancing your skin. If you were blessed with great skin, don’t take it for granted, a certain part of that does depend on how you eat and drink. So, be sure to work fresh produce into your dietary routine as much as possible and your skin will benefit.

Eating Fish Can Make Skin Healthier

Fish contains lots of lean protein and skin is mostly protein. Eating fish gives your body the elements it needs to generate collagen and elastin, the building blocks of new skin. The healthiest fish, like mackerel, herring, and wild-caught salmon also contain very high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids. 

Omega-3s do a great deal for our skin. They help soften rough, dry skin and soothe skin irritation and dermatitis. Omega-3 EFAs also help your skin better regulate oiliness and balance hydration. They’re called essential for a reason! If you just can’t develop an appetite for fish, we get it. In that case, make sure to take a good quality purified fish oil supplement every day to get the Omega-3s your skin needs to look its best. 

The Herschthal Practice Wants to Help You Look Your Best

As an aesthetic dermatology practice, we are very focused on your body’s largest organ– your skin. We’d like to remind you to consider nutrition an important part of your skincare routine. People often underestimate just how much what we eat and drink affects our skin health. We how you find the tips above helpful.  

The Herschthal Practice provides a broad range of cosmetic dermatology services to help your skin look and feel great. We also provide a diverse selection of products to help you give your skin the royal treatment at home. Please visit our online shop to see the exceptional products on offer. If you would like a consultation or ask about our services, please give us a call at (561) 391-9200 or simply follow this link to book an appointment online.