Are you wondering what you should do after getting HydraFacial sessions in Palm Beach County? If this is your way of thinking, then you are on the right track. The HydraFacial is a non-downtime facial, however, it is a deep cleansing facial, and it’s important that you avoid harsh products or chemical peels. The Herschthal Practice strongly encourages that you do the aftercare work needed, in between all of your sessions. For today, let’s address-How do I treat my skin in between HydraFacial sessions?

What To Do After HydraFacial On Day 1

The following is what one should do on day one, after receiving HydraFacial sessions in Palm Beach County:

  1. Do Not Pick At Your Skin: It’s not like you should pick at your skin, generally speaking. But your skin, in this case, has just experienced a deep cleanse. We get it. It’s tempting to want to address imperfections on your skin when things like whiteheads and blackheads appear. However, for the sake of healing, please keep your hands off of your face if you want to retain that flawless look. Disrupting your skin in any way can cause further irritation.
  2. Avoid Using Toner: Skip out on using toner a day after going for a facial treatment. Alcohol-based toners or those with exfoliating agents may result in dryness and irritation.
  3. Reschedule Your Workouts: If you did not have a chance to exercise before going for your HydraFacial, avoid the temptation of sneaking into the gym later that day. The excessive levels of heat and sweat might be overbearing, especially if you already have exfoliated skin. If you can, try to plan workouts before facial appointments.
  4. Be Gentle When Washing Your Face: The serums used and physical manipulation involved might disrupt the barriers of the skin. Because of this, it’s better to use only gentle cleansers that will remove dirt and leave the skin barriers unscathed. 

What To Do After Your HydraFacial On Days 2 And 3

Avoid at-home treatments at all costs. Don’t use so many products during your post-facial care, especially those that contain harsh irritants. By extension, stay away from at-home peels, toners, cleansers, retinols, or anything that has salicylic acid. It would also be helpful to avoid face masks too. They are designed to treat acne, exfoliate, and brighten your skin. With that said, the chemicals might still irritate your face.

Limiting your sun exposure is also crucial for preserving the wellness of your skin. When the skin has undergone a deep cleanse, it’s even more sensitive than before to the sun. 

How About Days 4-7?

Postpone any laser and wax treatments on your face. Your beautician might allow you to go for hair removal sessions on your face, depending on the extent of the exfoliation. Most would agree that it’s best to wait for at least a week before doing this. Waxing exfoliates the skin and overdoing it might leave you with a pale look, instead of the glowing radiance you are seeking. Without proper post-care, it will be much harder to maintain the results that you want. 

HydraFacial Sessions In Palm Beach County With The Professionals

A professional consultation from one of our trained personnel is a service we offer for all patients. Want to experience the luxury that is HydraFacial? Contact The Herschthal Practice today to book your appointment. We look forward to hearing from you!