Summer is around the corner! Which means the pressure is on to look your best, as much of your time will presumably be spent out and about at the pool or beach. In many cases, no matter how much we try to work on ourselves naturally through exercise and healthy routines, there are some imperfections that are harder to melt away than others. A prime example of this is double chins. People can have double chins for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it’s genetic, other times it’s due to weight gain or the aging process. 

If you are looking for an effective treatment for eliminating the appearance of your double chin, The Herschthal Practice can certainly lend a helping hand. As a provider of Kybella treatment in Palm Beach County, we have amassed many years of experience in helping our patients augment their natural beauty, Kybella treatment is no exception. Here are the benefits of Kybella and why you should consider Kybella for getting rid of double chins.

What Is A Double Chin? How Does It Happen?

Submental fullness or double chins, can be caused by weight gain, genetics, aging, or a combination of the three. Poor diets that are full of salty and processed foods can result in a double chin. Dehydration can also contribute to the development of a double chin because the body is holding onto more water. Poor posture, sagging, or wrinkled skin are also culprits that can magnify the issue. Regardless of what caused it, the insecure feelings surrounding your appearance will remain the same until something is done to rectify it. 

How Does Kybella Work?

Kybella treatment in Palm Beach County works to reduce the double chin, and sometimes it can remove it completely! So, how does it work? Simply put, it starts with a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid, a secondary bile acid that is naturally found in our bodies. Deoxycholic acid breaks down the fat cell walls upon being injected. In doing so, it prevents the cells from storing any fat. The destroyed fat cells are then turned to waste, washed away, flushed through our lymphatic systems and metabolized. The treatment was first approved by the FDA in 2015. The initial clinical trials from its early commencement showed much promise, with over 80% of patients reporting a significant reduction in fat that is below the chin.

Benefits Of Kybella

The benefits of Kybella are numerous. Here are some of the advantages that we think are the most compelling:

Created Specifically For Submental Fullness

While the jury is out on other ways to use the treatment, Kybella is primarily meant for treating double chins. The deoxycholic acid can break down the fat cells in the submental area without impacting the other nearby cells. It minimizes the negative effects through its non-invasive and highly targeted approach. Other treatments that were originally designed to reduce fat over larger areas of the body like the stomach or thighs are less direct, and have a higher chance of being over-treated. For instance, liposuction can be used to remove double chins, but we find that it comes with a lack of control. It’s very easy to remove too much fat, leaving the neck looking aged and hollow. Conversely, this treatment uses a small needle to inject controlled amounts of the substance into the target areas.

A Non-Invasive Procedure

Treatments that are invasive always come with more risk than Kybella does. Neck lifts and liposuction require general anesthesia, which may introduce another set of risks. As a non-invasive treatment, Kybella treatment in Palm Beach County has lower risks and fewer considerations to take into account when deciding whether the treatment is the right step for you. Even with the lower risk, the treatment is more than capable of achieving the same results as invasive surgeries and procedures. 

Shows Results In Just Four To Six Weeks

Typically speaking, the results from this treatment occur four to six weeks after your sessions. Once the deoxycholic acid has broken down the adipocytes’ walls and the body has removed or absorbed the fat, the results will be visible. Each treatment session should be at least one month after the previous session, with most people experiencing visible results between their second and fourth treatment.

Back To Looking Your Best With Kybella Treatment In Palm Beach County

Visit the Herschthal Practice for a consultation about Kybella to determine if treatment is right for you or not. Regardless of the results, we are confident in our ability to make you feel secure with your body, ultimately helping you reach your aesthetic goals. Contact us today to book your consultation! We look forward to connecting with you soon.