Dermal fillers in Palm Beach County have become an increasingly popular non-surgical solution for common issues like fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. While many current and prospective patients are familiar with the basics of these treatments, you might not be aware of how dermal fillers can improve your appearance and elevate your confidence. The Herschthal Practice has been providing dermal fillers to our patients for many years. Apart from being a purveyor of these cosmetic enhancements, we also take great pleasure in educating our patients on the efficacy of these treatments and the vast potential they possess. Here are 5 things you probably didn’t know about dermal fillers.

What Are Dermal Fillers?

FDA-approved dermal fillers like Restylane and Juvederm are FDA-approved substances that are designed to be injected into soft tissue in order to smooth, plump, and mitigate the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Most of these fillers feature substances that are naturally occurring in our body like hyaluronic acid, which has been known to consistently deliver safe and effective results. 

Traditional Uses For Dermal Fillers In Palm Beach County

Traditionally speaking, fillers are often used to treat facial and neck imperfections. For instance, they can be utilized to plump thinning lips and address line formations around the mouth. Additionally, they are known to soften deeper creases like heavy nasolabial folds, even being applied around the cheeks, chin, and any other areas to increase volume. In many scenarios, injectable fillers’ purpose is to soften, smooth, and provide restoration in obtaining a youthful visage. 

5 Uses For Dermal Fillers

Although dermal filler treatment is frequently used to fight signs of aging on the face, these injectables have a diverse range of uses that most people have no clue about. But, that’s okay! That is exactly what we are going to touch on and in doing so, perhaps it will inspire you to get dermal fillers in Palm Beach County, if you were previously on the fence about it.

Reduce Scarring

Scars can serve as a badge of honor, but by that same token, they can also prove to be unsightly and downright embarrassing, especially for those who have them as a result of severe acne. With the right fillers, these areas that suffer from scarring and pitting can be recontoured to promote smoother skin.

Rejuvenate Your Hands

The face is not the only thing that suffers a loss of volume. Hands are yet another area on our bodies that can show age very prominently. Certain fillers can help to restore volume, camouflage veins or tendons, and make hands look more youthful.

Smoothing Out Earlobe Folds

As collagen production begins to wane, sagging can persist all over the body, and yes, this includes the earlobes. This is yet another surprising example in which dermal fillers can help by adding volume to plump, sagging areas, and restore the appearance and vitality of your eyes. By restoring the folds, it will provide the necessary support for beauty-amplifying accessories like earrings. 

Addressing Lipoatrophy

Allow us to impart some wisdom here, as this condition is not known to many of our patients. Lipoatrophy is a type of lipodystrophy, a condition that impacts the way your body stores and uses fat. Lipoatrophy, specifically, is related to the use of drugs like AZT or Stavudine used to treat HIV, leading to fat loss in the face and other parts of the body. Fillers are approved to correct and enhance volume in the face due to lipoatrophy. 

Targeting Undereye Bags

Our eyes are another area that shows age and many other undesired imperfections. If you previously thought nothing could be done to fix this issue, you thought wrong. Dermal fillers in Palm Beach County can address puffiness under the eyes. This is done by artfully plumping in the dark hollows that are what make the bags stand out in the first place. When done correctly, the result is a more vibrant experience.

The Herschthal Practice: Provider Of Dermal Fillers In Palm Beach County

If the signs of aging are making you look older than you feel, it’s time to find out what The Herschthal Practice can do for you. Contact us today to see how dermal fillers in Palm Beach County can enhance your outer beauty.