There are many reasons to want to have vaginal rejuvenation done. Vaginal rejuvenation is an umbrella term for a host of procedures aimed at improving vaginal health or cosmetic concerns. You might be wondering if vaginal rejuvenation is the right procedure for your circumstances. Here are 3 reasons to get vaginal rejuvenation.

How Does V-Lase Vaginal Rejuvenation Work?

happy blonde woman portrait - should you get vaginal rejuvenation concept

V-Lase is a non-invasive treatment that uses CO2 laser energy which will stimulate collagen production in the area. Collagen is an important protein present in your body that is required to hold things together. As we age, collagen production slows down and as a result, you experience age-related sagging.

The Herschthal Practice offers V-Lase treatment because we feel it is the superior treatment in the energy-based vaginal rejuvenation space. Treatments are painless and only take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Some treatments use RF waves instead of lasers, but they are not as powerful as a laser thus do not deliver the same effects. The treatment is great for those who are busy or on the go as it requires no downtime from the patient.

Should You Get Vaginal Rejuvenation? Is it Right for You?

Women should not needlessly suffer the after-effects from childbirth or aging that can impact their love life or ability to be intimate with someone. Thankfully, vaginal rejuvenation can help improve symptoms of vaginal laxity. Read the below to determine if you are having any of these symptoms and would like to do something about it.

Vaginal Laxity Contributes to Many Issues

Childbirth is one of the primary reasons that result in vaginal laxity and it is one of the reasons that patients choose to seek out vaginal rejuvenation treatments such as V-Lase. Laxity is a known consequence of having vaginal delivery in childbirth. A survey conducted by the Urogynaecological Association in 2012 revealed that 84% of physicians believe that vaginal laxity is underreported by patients. The majority of patients who experience vaginal laxity are presumed by their physicians to also be experiencing sexual dysfunction.

In this case, dysfunction can be as simple as the inability to enjoy intercourse or vaginal stimulation as a result of laxity as the problems that ensue from it.

Vaginal laxity is implicated in a number of issues such as vaginal dryness, urinary incontinence, loss of sensation during intercourse, and many other complications.

  • Vaginal dryness
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Loss of sensation during intercourse

And many other complications.

Childbirth is a Major Cause of Vaginal Laxity

A percentage of women report vaginal laxity even several months after childbirth, given our prior statistics of how underreported the issue is, it’s safe to say that the number is likely higher than one would think. It is unclear how many women suffer from this issue post-childbirth simply because it is a self-reported issue that has no quantitive metrics to define what is or is not normal.

Only the women themselves know what their experience was like before and after, which can be a difficult thing to endure and equally difficult for doctor’s or gynecologists to prescribe any meaningful course of action. This is one of the reasons why wand treatments such as V-Lase have hit upon such a large audience. Many women finally have a convenient and non-surgical method of treatment for vaginal laxity.

How Long Does V-Lase Take to Produce Results?

V-Lase treatment works by stimulating collagen in the vaginal tissues much like how laser and RF treatments that help firm and smooth the skin on your face works. While your body will respond immediately to the treatment, it can take a few weeks of time for the results to be noticeable.

However, we estimate that a timeline of about 6 months is sufficient for many patients to notice increased tightness, lubrication, and a greater control over the bladder in some instances. Many patients find that these changes are enough to produce to improve sexual satisfaction which is often the primary motivator to receiving this treatment.

What is the Cost of V-Lase Treatment?

V-Lase treatment will vary in cost principally on how many treatment sessions are needed and a few other factors. When you visit us for a consultation, Dr. David or Jordana Herschthal will be able to determine what the best course of action is for your needs as well as what you are trying to achieve. We firmly believe good care should not be barred off by marked-up prices, we strive to keep our treatments as affordable as possible. We also offer financing through CareCredit for those who would prefer not to pay in one lump sum.

Still Wondering if You Should Get Vaginal Rejuvenation?

Getting any procedure done is something worth taking your time to consider. If you’re still unsure of whether this procedure is right for you, visit the Herschthal Practice today for all of your to speak to our highly dedicated and knowledgeable team. We can help provide information and context so that you can make the best choice for yourself. V-Lase can assist you in regaining sexual satisfaction by increasing lubrication and vaginal tightness and bladder control. Contact us today or fill out a form here or book an appointment online at your convenience.